About Tampnet

The Tampnet story

Information about our company

Board of directors


Magnus Mandersson

Magnus Mandersson


  • Chairman of Karnov Group AB
  • Chairman of Next Biometrics Group Plc
  • Senior independent director of Helios Africa Plc
  • Board member of Albert Immo Holding S.à.r.l., PMM Advisors S.A. and Interogo Foundation
  • ex-Executive Vice President Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
  • ex-President and Chief Executive Officer of SECe parent company for Tele2 Europe
  • ex-Chief Operating Officer of Millicom S.A.
  • ex-Chairman of Doro AB and RedBee Media Group Ltd.
  • ex-Managing Director IKEA Thailand & Indochina and IKEA South Korea
Scott Moseley

Scott Moseley

Board Member

  • Scott is a Partner in 3i’s London Infrastructure team.
  • He co-leads the team’s origination and execution platform and has extensive experience in European infrastructure spanning utilities, transportation and social infrastructure.
  • Scott is also a non-executive Director of ESVAGT.
Oscar Tylegard

Oscar Tylegard

Board Member

  • Oscar is a Director at 3i where he is responsible for the origination, execution and asset management of infrastructure investments.
  • He is also a non-executive Director of ESVAGT.
  • Prior to joining 3i, Oscar worked in the investment banking department of Macquarie, with a focus on power and utilities.
  • Oscar holds a MSc in Economics from Uppsala University.
Søren Karas

Søren Karas

Board Member

  • Søren is Chief Strategy & Commercial Officer in ESVAGT, a market leading shipowner within safety and support services at sea for Offshore Wind and Oil&Gas 
  • Prior to joining ESVAGT, Søren held a variety of executive roles in the Maersk conglomerate, latest as CCO in Maersk Supply Service, and prior to that, as Head of Group Strategy for the A.P.Moller-Maersk Group   
  • He has extensive global experience in maritime and energy infrastructure businesses as well as in overall strategy management
  • Søren holds an MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business 
Elie Hanna

Elie Hanna

Chief Executive Officer CEO


Trygve Hagevik

Trygve Hagevik

Chief Commercial Officer CCO


Anders Tysdal

Anders Tysdal

CTO of Infrastructure and Head of External Affairs


Arnt Erling Skavdal

Arnt Erling Skavdal

CTO of Mobile Technology


Ulf Bonnevier

Ulf Bonnevier

Chief Financial Officer CFO


Christian Grinde

Christian Grinde

Chief Legal Officer CLO


Per Atle Sørensen

Per Atle Sørensen

Vice President and Head of Market Unit North Sea


Cato Lammenes

Cato Lammenes

Vice President and Head of Carrier


Hilde Mattingsdal

Hilde Mattingsdal

Chief People Officer CPO


Frode Støldal

Frode Støldal

Vice President and Head of Market Unit Americas


David Heximer

David Heximer

Director and Head of Government Solutions & Digital Transformation


Endre Kjærland

Endre Kjærland

Director and Head of GRC and CISO


Danish E. Khawaja

Danish E. Khawaja

Vice President Global Delivery and Operations


Espen Eilertsen

Espen Eilertsen

Director of Special Projects


Kathryn McDaid

Kathryn McDaid

Marketing and Communication Manager


Responsible owners

Since March 2019, Tampnet has been owned by a consortium consisting of 3i Infrastructure plc and ATP, with each party owning 50%.


3i infrastructure

3i Infrastructure’s investment manager, 3i Investments plc, manages the investment on behalf of the consortium. 3i Infrastructure plc is a Jersey-incorporated, closed-ended investment company, listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company is a long-term investor in mid-market infrastructure businesses in developed markets, with a focus on the UK and Europe.




ATP is Denmark’s largest pension and social security provider and one of Europe’s largest pension providers, with more than €100 billion assets under management invested in bonds, equities, real estate and infrastructure assets, among others.


Vision, mission & values

Our Vision:

Tampnet’s vision is to deliver first-class connectivity to offshore and global industries, enabling digitalisation and sustainability.

Our Mission:

Tampnet owns and operates the world's largest offshore network, incorporating the latest technology to provide our customers with the most reliable and complete connectivity solutions.

From site to shore, our low-latency, high-capacity network enables our customers to achieve more through improved sustainability and efficient, safe, and digitalised operations. 


Our Values:

Our core values describe the attitudes and behavior which shall characterise us – we call it the Tampnet DRIVE!


The Tampnet Story

Tampnet was founded in 2001 in Stavanger, Norway and operates the world’s largest offshore high capacity communication network in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, serving customers within oil & gas, wind energy, maritime and carrier sectors with first class telecommunications. The company employs more than 135 people, is headquartered in Stavanger, Norway and has offices in the UK, the Netherlands, USA, Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago.

Tampnet connects offshore installations to redundant and reliable terrestrial networks with high capacity and low latency (high speed). Tampnet also installs and operates offshore 4G and 5G coverage networks enabling roaming and the digital transformation and internet of things (IoT) on offshore oil & gas platforms, offshore windfarms and service vessels and other commercial vessels.  We are now also providing connectivity to Airlines travelling across the North Sea, through the European Aviation Network.

Tampnet Carrier is Tampnet’s European and transatlantic fibre infrastructure network, passing through 8 selected countries. Tampnet Carrier is all about connectivity, capacity, speed and milliseconds – data transfer with minimum delay - without compromising quality and reliability. Our unique network routes connect 40 vital data centres in 12 European and American cities and central hubs.

Code of conduct

1 Fundamental principle

Employees in the Brent/Tampnet-group (“the Company”) shall exercise high integrity and professionalism in their work for the Company. They are expected to act honestly and objectively at all levels of the Company’s operations and business activities.

2 Compliance with laws, regulations and internal routines

2.1 Employees shall abide by the laws and regulations that at any time apply to the Company. Employees must also comply with the current internal routines established by the Company, including instructions, authorizations, etc. related to the individual’s position, as well as ethical guidelines set by the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises following these codes of conduct as an attachment.

2.2 If an Employee becomes aware of conditions that are contrary to the rules applicable to the Company, including internal routines and guidelines, the nearest supervisor must be notified. The Employee may also notify the board member who is especially appointed for such notifications.

2.3 Violation of laws and regulations applicable to the business activities or the Company’s policies and guidelines may have implications on Employees’ connection with the company.

3 Confidentiality

3.1 Employees have an obligation of confidentiality on all matters relating to the Company, its customers or other business partners. The obligation of confidentiality also applies after the period of employment or board member period with the Company has been terminated.

3.2 The obligation of confidentiality primarily applies to unrelated people, including family and friends. Information that the Employee should consider as especially sensitive, must also be treated confidentially towards other employees when the information is irrelevant in regards to the other employees’ work. This does not preclude that one can discuss confidential relations with colleagues when this is found necessary and substantiated.

3.3 The obligation of confidentiality is not time-limited and must be maintained also when the working relationship with the Company has been terminated.

4 Impartiality and Conflicts of Interest

4.1 The business must always be operated in such a manner that the risk of a conflict of interests between the Company and the individual employee is minimized.

4.2 If an Employee’s impartiality can be questioned because he or she may have conflicting interests, the question shall be discussed with the immediate supervisor and the Employee concerned should withdraw from further proceedings if there is a risk of breach of impartiality.

5 Customer relations. Representation/entertainment and gifts

5.1 In their daily work Employees are expected to act to their best effort for the Company. Restraint must be shown in regards to private business agreements with companies or persons the Company does business with. Agreements other than purely ordinary business agreements require the Company’s CEO’s advanced written approval.

5.2 Representation/entertainment on behalf of the Company must be within acceptable limits taken into account the Company’s business. Travel and accommodation expenses in connection with work performance for the Company will generally be covered by the Company.

5.3 Gifts or supplements with a value exceeding NOK 500 offered to Employees from customers or others as a result of their association with the Company may be received with the CEO’s advanced written approval. The CEO can only accept gifts or supplements from customers or others as a result of their association with the Company with the Chairman of the Board’s advanced written approval.

5.4 Each Employee must ensure that gifts or supplements received from third parties as a result of their association with the Company will not cause suspicion towards the Employee for acting contrary to the Company’s instructions or statutory or regulatory requirements, including the provisions of the Taxation Act.

5.5 Employees must not accept loans or guarantees from any of the Company’s connections. Exceptions are loans and/or guarantees on normal market terms from connections where loans and guarantees are part of their ordinary business.

5.6 No one can on behalf of the Company give gifts or other supplements intentionally to obtain favours in their own or the Company’s advantage.

5.7 The Employee shall give a yearly self-declaration regarding the above.

6 Publicity and media relations

6.1 Statements regarding Customers or Suppliers shall not be given to the press.

6.2 All general inquiries from the press, that do not affect the obligation of confidentiality, must be answered by the Chairman of the Board or the CEO, unless anyone else in the particular case is specifically appointed to speak on behalf of Company. Any statement in the media, in form and content, must be factual and accurate, and thereby contribute to the most objective impression of the Company.

7 Representatives

7.1 The Company’s code of conduct also applies to the Company’s board members and other representatives (for example hired personnel and consultants) as far as they are appropriate or specifically stated.

8 Annual audit/report

8.1 The contents of the code of conduct shall be reviewed on a regular basis.

8.2 If law or regulation requirements make it necessary to change the code of conduct, such changes shall be made as soon as they are called for.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


Tampnet is committed, by way of its core values, to profitable, appropriate and sustainable creation of wealth for our owners, other interested parties and the society we operate in. The company will, in its business activities, also handle the social impact that operations can entail, in a sound manner. This document describes the main principles that the owners, managers, and employees in Tampnet will follow in order to live up to socially responsible conduct. As a company, we wish to have a holistic approach to CSR. ISO 26000 has therefore been adopted as the basis for the framework of our approach to CSR principles and related practice.

Our key CSR principles

1. Human rights

Tampnet respects human dignity, and supports the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We will ensure that our business activities exercise due care with relation to the basic standards for human rights, and handle risk situations associated therein.
The company has fundamental respect for all individuals, and will not accept any discrimination based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, or political opinion.

The company finds child labour inacceptable and will avoid suppliers who practice this.

2. Working conditions

Tampnet will ensure appropriate and safe working conditions. Working conditions must adhere to national laws and regulations, and in the case of international involvement, be consistent with current international labour standards. This means that the company must not benefit from working relationships with partners, contractors, or subcontractors who base their practice on injustice, exploitation, or abuse. Established labour conditions and social welfare systems must be observed.
The company acknowledges the importance of dialogue strategies, and established collective negotiation structures between the parties in the workplace.

The company will develop, implement and maintain guidelines for the working environment, based on working environment requirements, identified areas for improvement, challenging objectives and performance monitoring.
Personal development and training in the workplace will be facilitated.

3. Environment

In our business activities we strive to avoid harmful environmental impact, and to contribute to sustainable development through sensible resource utilisation, recycling, and protection of the environment. The company must have a clear view of the effects of the company’s business decisions on the environment, and implement any necessary actions to manage them.

4. Reputable business activities

Tampnet will maintain a high standard with regard to integrity. This means that we will be honest and reputable in our business activities, and in competition with others, and we will counteract corruption and handle grey areas in an honourable manner. We will contribute to promoting social responsibility

5. Social commitment

Tampnet wishes to make a positive contribution to society/the local community. This kind of commitment could, for example, be in the form of partnerships, voluntary work, local recruitment, involvement in education and culture, charity and sponsoring.

The Transparency Act

On 1 July 2022, the Norwegian Transparency Act entered into force.

Tampnet shall be, and is, a promoter of a culture which has respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard these values in our own business as well as within our supply chain and towards our clients. The Tampnet group recognizes its responsibility to contribute to the global efforts to obtain the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the culture of our group is anchored and starts with our owners, our Board of Directors, and our top management.

Read Tampnet's Statement here


Purpose of the Act
The purpose of the Act is to promote enterprises' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services, and to ensure public access to information on how enterprises deal with negative consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

Scope of the Act
The Act applies to larger enterprises domiciled in Norway that offer goods and services in or outside Norway. The Act also applies to larger foreign enterprises that offer goods and services in Norway and that are liable to pay tax on Norway under Norwegian internal legislation.


More information:

The Transparency Act (2022) Law  (Norwegian version)

The Transparency Act (2022) Law  (English version)



Sustainability and the impact of our carbon footprint is more important and relevant than ever.


At Tampnet this challenge has been taken seriously for two decades by maintaining our core values and by delivering reliable and robust connectivity offshore. Our proven technology has generated a high degree of trust among our customers, a trust that has enabled them to manage some of their operations remotely.

We have developed an ESG strategy to improve our environmental, social and corporate governance. It is built on two main pillars which are Tampnet’s core values and the UN sustainable development goals.

Read more

Tampnet – raising the standard for sustainability in the industry

Providing the industry with high-speed internet coverage, Tampnet revolutionizes operations offshore – producing energy with a much lower carbon footprint.

Sustainability and the impact of our carbon footprint is more important and relevant than ever. At Tampnet, this challenge has been taken seriously for years – and now more than ever, through a defined focus on several of UNs sustainability goals – the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Read all about Tampnet and sustainability here:

Tampnet and Sustainability

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

As a global leader in providing high capacity, low latency and reliable connectivity to offshore installations, mobile rigs and vessels, reliable and innovative services are Tampnet`s largest contribution to a sustainable environment.

We are committed to meet the requirements of relevant standards, laws and regulatory requirements and continually improve the management systems. These topics are a top priority for all team members at Tampnet.



Quality plays an integral role in the sustainability of our success and our long-term reputation. Our commitment to quality matters which is a part of the heart of our business principles. 

Tampnet quality means that our customers are satisfied, and their needs and expectations are fulfilled. We will emerge as a preferred partner with high competence and good business ethics. 

Our quality is based on the firmly anchored quality awareness of our employees. To achieve this, products, operations, and activities are continuously reviewed, questioned, and improved.

Our quality standards apply to all employees and our business partners.  Our employees are ambassadors for company values and leadership principles. 


Health & Safety:

Health, safety and environment is an integrated element of all planning and implementation of our activities. 

Tampnet's employees have a good and open working environment promoting the exchange of ideas, competence and experiences. 

We achieve this through visible management commitment, the implementation of systematic internal control measures, risk assessments and initiatives to continually identify hazards and environmental risks. 


  • We evaluate and mitigate the risks and opportunities of our operations to reduce any hazards at the workplace.
  • We monitor occupational health for our employees and provide services to support these goals. 
  • We include and consult workers in relevant HSE issues and processes. 



All employees have the authority to- and shall stop work if an unsafe situation occurs.

  • We manage our activities based on internationally recognized safety standards.
  • We eliminate hazards and reduce HSE risks.
  • We focus on the communication and implementation of these standards.



Tampnet aims to protect the environment by minimizing the environmental impact of its activities and products.  

Providing the industry with high-speed internet coverage, Tampnet revolutionizes operations offshore, enabling production of energy with a much lower carbon footprint.

Our philosophy on environmental impact is 'zero damage, zero accidents'

Our ambition is to build a strong, diverse and inclusive company culture with focus on gender equality.

The purpose is to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for technology positions and leadership in Tampnet. Gender equality is an essential factor in a balanced professional environment. As part of our program, we will facilitate exchange of experience, skills development, and personal development to inspire and motivate our employees.

Read more

The Tampnet Groups Modern Slavery Statement


This statement has been prepared for the Tampnet Group, which includes Colombo Investment Holdings Limited and all its subsidiaries. It is made pursuant to UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Tampnet has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Tampnet has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain. The Tampnet group recognizes its responsibility to contribute to the global efforts to combat modern slavery.


Our business
Tampnet is a privately owned international telecommunications provider operating currently principally in Europe and in the US. The Tampnet group business consists principally of building and operating telecommunication networks and providing telecommunication services to its clients through these networks.  

Our policies

As stated in the Tampnet group’s code of conduct, we are committed to respect all internationally recognised human rights and we will conduct our business consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The general expectation is for suppliers and business partners to comply with applicable laws, respect internationally recognised human rights, including the right to freedom from slavery, human trafficking, servitude, or forced labour, and the Tampnet group’s ethical requirements, when working for or together with us.

Our suppliers
Tampnet operates a supply chain policy, pursuant to which we conduct a vetting of all suppliers before allowing them to become an approved supplier. Where appropriate, we also conduct on-site audits which include a review of the supplier's working conditions. Our internal processes and governing documents have as a requirement that our suppliers shall respect and commit to implement Tampnet’s Code of Conduct or alternatively an internationally recognized standard within the areas of human rights, anti-corruption, environment and labour, such as, but not limited to, the United Nations Global Compact Principals. The Supplier shall require the Supplier Group and all sub-suppliers and sub-contractors to implement similar rules and as appropriate pass on such requirements to their sub-suppliers and sub-contractors and so on.


We regularly conduct training for our employees so that they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.

This statement was approved by the Tampnet Group's Board of Directors on 03. June 2024. 


Download The Tampnet Group's Modern Slavery Statement