Tampnet Tech Talk - Private Networks for Offshore Facilities

Private Networks for Offshore Platforms and Rigs

Case studies and lessons learned to enable improved asset integrity and condition monitoring applications. 

Enabling digitalisation on offshore facilities brings with it many challenges.  Until now, one of roadblocks was reliable connectivity to get the data to shore. 

With LTE networks, even our mobile customers are now able to implement their IoT projects, benefitting from live data for real-time decision making and action.  

We will be joined by Maersk to hear about their digitalisation projects for their mobile drilling rigs, and asset monitoring they undertaking. 

Microsoft provide an insight into secure private networks and leveraging edge computing for improved data management. 

Streamsolution will show us how their offshore clients are implementing wearable technology to carry out complex and urgent work scopes. 
We will finish the program with a sundowner and refreshments at the Espier Sky Bar.
Event Details:

Date:      Tuesday, 13th September

Time:     14:00 - 16:30 (Technical presentations)
               16:30 - 18:30  (Sundowner / Networking)
Venue:   Clarion Hotel Stavanger

RSVP:  Please register your details below before Wednesday, 7th September. 
Places are limited, so we will confirm your booking within 24 hours of receiving your request.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Register for Tech Talk