Gullkronen 2019: Tampnet is “Globetrotter of the Year”

On Wednesday February 6th  Tampnet won the “Globetrotter of the Year” award at “Gullkronen 2019” by Rystad Energy in ...

TOUGH net is now live

On Friday October 5th at 18:00 CEST Tampnet’s European Network Operations Centre (NOC) took over the operation of the TOUGH network on the Dutch Continental Shelf.

Englandskabelen er allerede her

(Stavanger, 07.09.2017) – Englandskabelen er allerede her. Tampnet kan i dag levere både mørk fiber og mer enn 180 Tbps til utlandet på 3 separate, 100% uavhengige, føringsveier p.